Thu, 17 Jun 2021
Reward and Recognition with a difference

Our people are our greatest asset. Southbase continues to go the extra mile to recognise hardworking people.
Recently, a handful of the Southbase team had the opportunity of a lifetime, to participate in an action-packed retreat that physically challenged the participants and helped forge new relationships.
Split over two voyages, 12 team members from across the business headed to the remote and picturesque Dusky Sounds in Fiordland. There, they spent three nights onboard the MV Pembroke Launch, experiencing what the area has to offer.
This adventure was offered in recognition and thanks to some of the dedicated team, in an unconventional and unique way; something the Southbase Leadership Team is committed to doing more of.
“I was absolutely stoked to be invited on the retreat. I was already planning a trip like this for a years’ time,” said Auckland-based Site Manager, Matt Taylor.
“There were so many things I was hoping to get out of the trip, like getting to know the team outside of work and enjoy some diving and walking with good company; tuning out of the hustle and bustle by enjoying a few days with no cell coverage or distractions; meeting some of the Christchurch team that I haven’t met; exploring a part of NZ rarely seen; and reflecting on my time at Southbase.”
Over the three days the team experienced activities like fishing, diving, hiking, and competitive card games, right through to seeing-in the first day of winter with a ‘wetsuit free’ jump from the Launch into the fiord, as well as an adrenaline pumping moment for two of the team, who were ‘stalked’ by a shark.
“For me, there were a number of takeaways from the experience, both personally and professionally,” said Matt.
“It provided me with a fresh perspective of why I’m in the construction industry, and it increased my motivation to always strive for high performance and good results for Southbase. On a personal front, I gained an appreciation of what New Zealand has to offer, for those that make the effort to visit remote locations like Dusky Sounds.”
Like Matt, Sam Duffy from Southbase’s Canterbury region, made new connections with fellow colleagues from around the business, sharing once in a lifetime experiences in the Fiords.
“It was great to be able to meet guys from the North Island and a great way to get to know everyone on a more personal level,” said Sam.
“Honestly, I was surprised to be one of the few selected to go on the trip and felt extremely lucky to work for a company that sends staff on a once in a lifetime trip like this.”
Recognition and reward are part of the Southbase ethos.
“Our people work hard every day in the best interest of our Company, and it’s important to show our people that we recognise and appreciate this,” said CEO, Quin Henderson.
“At Southbase, we have three fundamental offerings which make us stand out from our competitors: our construction technology, our delivery, and most importantly our people. Our people are our greatest asset, and they are our clients' best asset too, basically, we attribute our success to the great people we attract and retain, so we work hard to show our people how much we value them. The experience gifted to the 12 people who went to Dusky Sound is just one example of how we are thanking our team.”
Southbase plan to offer more unique ways to thank and recognise its loyal and committed people around its seven regions. And, in time, it hopes that all its valued people can benefit from, and enjoy, something a little more special than a regular reward programme.